Vision and Values
What do we want for our learners?
- To be as independent as possible
- To be confident, self-assured and happy
- To have good communication skills
- To make excellent progress in key skills that widen choices in adult life
- To develop talents
- To play a part in a community
- To make financially sound choices to the best of their abilities
- To be creative and to manage change
- To be able to work in a team
- To be able to make safe and healthy choices
- To behave in a safe and socially acceptable way
- To be proud of their achievements
- To respect all people and their views equally
We aim to:
- Set high expectations and aspirations for pupils’ personal, social, economic and academic progress
- Provide a safe, happy, caring environment in which pupils feel secure
- Provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that prepares pupils for life beyond school
- Use innovative teaching methods, utilising a broad range of learning resources
- Provide stimulating and challenging experiences that nurture talent and offer each child opportunities to enjoy success
- Offer a wide range of learning experiences that contribute to and are enriched by the life of the local, national and international community
- Promote values where each child’s achievements are celebrated
- Create an effective partnership between school, parents, other professionals and the community
- Be a centre of expertise, offering outreach for schools and advice for professionals and the community